The Big Secret Sound Ft. Andrew James SOLDIER ON

The Big Secret Sound Ft. Andrew James SOLDIER ON Released on February 9th 2014, dedicated to Private Conrad Lewis and his fallen comrades.

Conrad Lewis 353rd Soldier to die in afghanistanThe Big Secret Sound Ft Andrew James will release their 2nd single Soldier On, on February 9th 2014, in memory of one of Warwickshire’s bravest and most recognised soldiers, Private Conrad Lewis. Pro- ceeds from the sales of Soldier On will go to 353… The single will be released on iTunes, Amazon and other Download Sites on Feb 9th, the 3rd anniversary of Conrad’s premature death. 353.. is a charitable Trust set up by the Lewis family – the family of Conrad Lewis, with the aim of helping members of the military community.

Soldier on … the song … is the embodiment of moving forward, after loss, getting busy living, celebrating lives lived to the full … while it is inspired by the life and loss of Private Conrad Lewis of the Parachute regiment, who was killed in Afghanistan on Feb 9th 2011, Mentioned In Dispatches for his bravery and yet the 353rd Soldier to die in the conflict, it remembers everyone before 353 and everyone after it and those suffering today. It is written by Chris Onslow, who as the father of one of the great circle of close friends, has been inspired to brilliantly put into words what this spirit means to us all, lyrics that wrap a strong and comforting arm around anyone who has suffered loss. It is composed and performed by the ‘Big Secret Sound, featuring Andrew James’ who have magically captured the inspiring, anthemic feeling that … ‘I’m still here with you’

…. and It’s on behalf of all of us touched by loss, and especially those lost in any military conflict from World Wars to the current conflict in Afghanistan.”

Listen to preview of ‘Soldier On’.

Recorded in Warwickshire at Rhythm Studios, The Big Secret Sound Ft Andrew James is hoping to engage all those people that are in conflict, have been in conflict and the general public both here and abroad who continue to support our boys and girls for their dedication to protecting our Nation. Tony Lewis said “ I am overwhelmed and humbled by the support shown to us at 353… by The Big Secret Sound, I understand that all we need is 7500 downloads and Soldier On would make the Top 40, that would raise much needed funds for the charity and help to recognise all our brave troops whether in the Army, Navy, Air Force or any of our serving Forces around the world. On behalf of 353 trust, my family and all the soldiers around the world I would like to thank Andrew James and Chris Onslow for giving their creativity, time and commitment to produce such a breathtaking song. I know Conrad would download it if he could.”








Tony Lewis – mobile 07836 514523. 353… Charitable Trust

Andrew James mobile 07788 650399.

Chris Onslow – mobile 07969 298025.

Facebook The Big Secret Sound Ft Andrew James Twitter @bigsecretsound