Seven days to go!

Morning all! Happy Friday! Seven days to go until the start of Rugby4Heroes 2014! Woo hoo.

The band line up and timings will be going up here on our website shortly. Watch this space.





And, one more thing. Bless the little cotton socks of the Courier newspaper group. Those of you who purchase a paper copy of the weekly Leamington (or Warwick ) Courier may notice they have quoted the Rugby4Heroes Festival as taking place on 14-16 May 2014. The online version has the correct date of 16-18 May 2014.

They have had a brain freeze of epic proportions. Ignoring the dates in our press release, they made up their own. The Festival is still on 16-18 May 2014 as it has been for the last 12 months. Thank you.